Bowling Birthday Parties and More Fun Ideas – Providence, RI


Thursday, April 23, 2015

It is time to start thinking about your kid's birthday party. Hosting the party at a venue away from home makes the party easier and less stressful. Rather than bringing all those kids to the movie theatre, where they can't interact and the cost can really skyrocket, how about a bowling birthday party!

At North Bowl Lanes your child and all the guests can laugh, talk, play and have a ball. Kids love bowling birthday parties, and you only have to bring the cake. Our parties include all of the essentials and they are very affordable.

But, want to make your child's birthday party extra special? Here are some "bowling birthday" ideas from Parent's Magazine.

Party Ideas:

Send each bowler home as a champ! Personalize plastic trophies from the party store with gold letter stickers or a gold marker. Fill the trophy cups with wrapped chocolate balls.

To go along with the bowling theme, dress up black party balloons with round white adhesive labels from the office supply store. They'll look just like bowling balls!

We have an arcade at the bowling alley too. So, if you are so inclined, bring a big stack of quarters for your guests.

Want to inspire a little "tom foolery?" Here are some Bowling Game Ideas:

Write each of these wacky variations on a slip of paper and have kids draw one before each turn:

  1. Bowl backward.
  2. Do a silly walk as you approach the bowling lane.
  3. Bowl in slow motion.
  4. Bowl pretending that one of the boards in the lane's wood floor is a tightrope.
  5. Do the following as the ball is rolling down the lane:
  6. Predict whether you will knock over an odd or even number of pins.
  7. Speed-sing as much of a song as possible.
  8. Spell out loud the birthday child?s name backward.
  9. Call out as many pizza toppings, ice-cream flavors, or kinds of candy as you can think of.
  10. For more information on bowling birthday parties for kids, contact North Bowl Lanes.